Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hot Yoga

As part of my journey to a healthier me, I vowed to get more exercise. When a friend told me that she was doing something called "Hot Yoga" and that she was loving it, I thought I'd give it a try, as the first class is free anyway.  When I walked in, the reception room felt warm.  When I walked into the studio, I missed the time that I'd spent in the reception room.  In the practice of hot yoga, the studio is kept at a temperature of 95 degrees, whilst you and your cohorts are subjects to the sadistic whims of the instructor for 75 minutes.  "Fold!", "Get your butt up higher!", "Back straight!", etc...  Just out of curiosity, I weighed myself before and after the class.  The difference was five pounds.  That was just the first class.  In my fourth class- yesterday- the power had gone out in the neighborhood and the reception room was at what seemed to be 95.  The studio itself then was a much warmer 100 or so.  All I know is that it was much hotter than average.  In my first class, I made it 30 minutes into the workout.  In my second, I made it for 50, and in last night's class, I made it for an hour!  It was the most amazing workout I've had in years!  Sweat pours out of you and falls into your towel, and you know that you're doing something right.  Something that's good for you.  Something metamorphic. 
     As of today, I have lost 100 pounds.  Only 43-68 more to go...


  1. All I have to say is WOW! Just the thought of it gives me a panic attack do to the heat. I give you much credit.

  2. Awesome Dusty! So glad you are enjoying your practice at the Funky Buddha. Welcome to the family :)
